Marigold the Moose and her yellow touch

# Act I

Marigold the Moose had a special talent.
Anything she touched became a yellowish gold color.
Whenever she ate something, her mouth would turn it yellow, so she always was eating yellow food.

One day she saw an an amazing looking ampitheater, with many different colors.
There was a fox in the ampitheater.
The fox was staring straight at Marigold.

"Hi, I am Fiooooona the fooooox', said Fiona the fox, in a silly, ghostly way.
I knoooooow you have a magic touch to make things yellloooooooow, but I knooooooow that the wooooorld cannot be completely yelloooooooow.
I will give you threeeee tests, and if you doooooon't pass all three teeeeests, then I'll take away your magic toooooooooouch."

"What three tests?' asked Marigold in a normal voice.

You will soon seeeeeeee,' said Fiona.

# Act II

One morning, Marigold heard a strange voice in her head.
Yooooou're first task is to not tuuuuuurn anything yellooooooow for 3 minuuuuuuuutes, starting nooooooooooow.

But Marigold didn't last for even 50 seconds. She couldn't help touching stuff, and all that stuff became yellow.

She heard another voice in her head.

> Yoooooou have faaaaailed my fiiiiiirst teeeeeest!' 'My seeeeeeecond teeeeest is even haaaaarder.
> Yoooooouuu must not maaaake anything yelloooooow for teeeeeeen minuuuuuuutes.

But Marigold failed the test again. She didn't last even two seconds befoe touching something, and making it yellow.
She heard another voice.

Yoou have faaaaaailed my seeeeeecond teeeeeeest. My thiiiiiiird teeeeeeest is the haaaaaardest yet!
You must make noooooothing yeeeeeellow for one whoooooole hoooooooooour!

This time, Marigold was able to last 10 minutes.

"Improoooooooovement. Now I muuuuuust take away your pooooooower to make stuff yelllooooooooow."

# Act III

Suddenly, Marigod the Mooose felt different.
She felt like she didn't have the power to make stuff yellow anymore.
She decided to test it out.
She reached out and touched the bark of a nearby oak tree. Nothing happpened.
She touched the canoes down by the lake. Nothing.
She ran over to the elephant graveyard and touched every single rock peaking out of the water.
Nothing happened at all.

Soon, Marigold picked up a new hobby. Walking up and down the stairs, over and over again.

~NOTE~ No school in the winter, because the some of the animals are hybernating~