The funeral of Felix the Fox

Fiona the Fox was asleep in her den. She heard her mother call out, 'get up Fiona, it's time for breakfast.

Fiona ate some breakfast, then ran off to the stream. She swam around until her fur was a deep black color. After that she dried herself off, but made sure her fur retained as much black color as possible. Then Fiona and her mother made their way to the spillway. Her mother's fur was also a dark color this morning.

They collected a log, and fashioned it with their claws into the shape of Felix's body. Then they put it in a wooden box they had stolen from a cabin in the woods. Some other foxes arrived, and together they dug out an empty den near the Fox family's home.

One of the foxes who had come to pay his respects, had brought with him a chicken, recently stolen from Mr. Finnigan's chicken coop. The funeral attendees passed around the chicken, each taking a small piece, and then they put the rest inside the box.

Hmmm, that's good Charlie', someone remarked.

The burial was finished around 2:30 in the afternoon.

Fiona and her mother went back home. Friends from the forest came and went throughout the day, offering condolensces and memories of Felix the Fox. They ate, and shared stories, and remembered Felix.

Later that day, Fiona was still thinking about the chicken they had shared at the funeral. She wished Felix was still alive, she so loved the chicken that Felix would bring home every week.

Fiona remembered how every time Felix brought home a chicken, she would ask, 'is this one's name Charlie?' And Felix would inevitably say, 'no, not this time. We got ourselves here a Charles.

She smiled, cherishing the memory.

Before dinner time, the mourners made their way over to the woodstack. They took turns carving depictions of Felix into the wood. Fiona's carving was very impressive. She had taken an art class that year at school. Her carving was of a scene of Felix on top of Mr. Finnigan's chicken coop, trying to claw his way in.