Frido the Fox steals the chickens

The Charlies are tasty

# Act I

Frido the Fox loved to steal chickens.
Sometimes when he was about to steal a chicken, he would come across Wally the Wolf.
Wally was also obsessed with Mr. Finnigan's chickens.
Both Frido and Wally like to steal and eat the chickens.

One day Frido had a plan.
He knocked on Mr. Finnigan's door, and when Mr. Finnigan answered Frido said, "Hello Mr. Finnigan.
I just saw Bennie the Bear swimming in the lake."

Mr. Finnigan was shocked. A bear, swimming in the lake? He had to see this.
He called for his wife, Mrs. Finnigan, and the two went off running towards the lake.

While the Finnigans were away, Frido went directly to the chicken coop.
"Hello Charlies", he said.

Hi, I'm Charlie the Chicken', squeeked a voice from inside the chicken coop.
He's Charlie the Upside Down Chicken,' called another voice.
Look at him, he's standing on his head!

Indeed, Charlie the Chicken was standing on his head while he spoke to Frido.

Then another voice squeeked from the chicken coop. "You're not Charlie the Chicken, I'm Charlie the Chicken.
"Neither of you are Charlie the Chicken", said another voice. "I'm Charlie the Chicken."

"No, neither of you are Charlie the Chicken", said yet another voice. "/I'm/ Charlie the Chicken".

I'm Cherrie.

I'm Chariot.

I'm Charlotte.

I'm Chuck.

I'm Charles.

I'm Cherrie too.

They call me Chuck.

I'm another Charlie.

My name is Charles.

And so on on. This went on for some time.

Finally Frido cut them off. "You know chickens, I heard about a bike store down in Port Jervis.

"Let's go", shouted about 25 chickens in unison.

The rest said, "We'll come only if Charlie stops standing on his head!"

"Fine, I guess I'll be Charlie the ~regular-standing-on-his-feet~ chicken."

Frido opened the door of the chicken coop, and the chickens rushed out like a herd of stampeding wildebeasts.
The bumped into each, trampled over each other, feathers flying every which way.
It seemed to Frido that nearly a thousand chickens had just come running out of the chicken coop.

"It was so squished in there", shouted one of the last chickens to come out of the coop.
"I could barely hear myself think in there, with all those chickens squeeking.
I bet you didn't even hear me say my name", this chicken said to Frido on his way out of the coop.

"What's your name?"", asked Frido.


Frido shook his head, and led the chickens off to the bike store.

_Act II_
Two hours later, Wally saw Frido walking down the road.
Behind Frido squalked a herd of about a thousand ckickens, many of them riding tiny bicycles.
One of them was riding a bicyle upside down!
He was walking on is feet, holding the bicycle upside down above his head!.

"All right you Charlies, go ahead and hide your bicylces in your boxes in the chicken coop.
Mr. Finnigan can't find out about this."

Wally was skocked!
Frido had managed to extract the chickens from the chicken coop, but had spent the afternoon outfitting them with bicycles, instead of eating them!

Wally knew that more than half of these creatures were named Charlie, god knows why.
He also knew that the silly fella holding the bicycle over his head was a Charlie.""