The Sleeping Snail

Act 1

The King and Queen of the Snail Kingdom had a baby named Soam the Snail. This was a surprise, because they thought that they would never have a baby! The King and Queen decided to throw a huge celebration for the baby Soam, and everyone in the kingdom was invited.

Everyone except Socki the Slug, who is an evil enchantress.

Towards the end of the celebration, the three butterfly fairies Beatrice, Bethany, and Bick Bea approach baby Soam in order to share their blessings.

Beatrice declares that Soam will have a shell that is always the perfect size and never falls off.

Bethany declares that Soam will have the gooiest slime that a snail could ever want.

Before Bick Bea has a chance to bless the child, suddenly there is a puff of black smoke, and there is Socki the Slug! She came uninvited, in order to share her own magic with the child.

Socki curses Soam by saying that before her 16th birthday Soam will be found by a curious human child in the woods, and then used as bait for a fishing hook! Then Socki disappears, as quickly as she had come.

The entire kingdom is terrified of the curse that Socki just cast on Soam. But Bick Bea steps forward and uses her blessing to change Socki's curse. Bick Bea says that after Soam is put on the fishing hook and cast into the water, a buffalo will run into the water and save her.

What?! A buffalo will be the one to save this young snail from being fish lunch in sixteen years?

Act 2

The King does everything he can to make sure that Soam is never going to be caught by a human child in the forest. The King sends Soam away to live with the three butterfly fairies, under the condition that Soam will be required to stay in the trees, and never travel along the forest floor.

Soam lives this way with the fairies for 15 years. A few weeks before Soam's 16th birthday, she is out among the branches of a tree in the forest, collecting honey. Soam sees a handsome young snail on the trunk of the same tree. This snail is named Sid, he's out adventuring this afternoon. Soam and Sid greet each other, and Sid tells Soam about himself. Soam is very enamored with Sid and after they part ways, she can't wait to see him again.

Later that afternoon, Soam heads back to her home where she lives with the fairies. But before she gets there, she feels herself suddenly caught in a tangle of golden threads. She's pulled away from the branch of the tree, and carried a long way in the long golden hair of a curious human child.

It's Mr. Finnigan's niece who is visiting from out of town and having a little trek through the woods. Soam hangs on tight and she bounces up and down with each of the human child's steps. But eventually she looses her grip and falls to the forest floor. Mr. Finnigan's niece sees her tumble down, stops in her tracks, picks up Soam and after inspecting this interesting bug, decides that Soam would make a perfect bit of bait for her Uncle's tacklebox! She turns and runs back to the Lakehouse to show Uncle Finnigan what she has found.

Act 3

Mr. Finnigan was out in the backyard preparing his fishing rods and tacklebox for an afternoon of fishing in the lake. As he was finishing up, his niece came scampering out of the woods, waving her hands exitedly.

"Uncle Finnigan, look what I've found for you!"

Mr. Finnigan inspected the snail that his niece handed to him, and agreed that this snail would make a perfect bit of bait.

Out on the lake, Mr. Finnigan places Soam on the hook and casts her out into the lake. Then, suddenly, a buffalo comes charging out of the woods, pulls Soam off the hook and tosses her into the lake!

Mr. Finnigan is shocked by this series of events. He had no idea that there were buffalo living in these woods.

Act 4

Soam enters a deep sleep as soon as she is released from the fishing hook, a residual effect of Socki's original curse.

Back in the snail kingdom, the three fairies decide to put a sleeping spell on all of the other snails of the kingdom as well, until they can find Soam in the lake.

After searching for a long time, the fairies finally locate Soam in the lake. The fairies can then wake up everyone else from their sleeping spell, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Except Mr. Finnigan, who wasn't able to have fish for dinner as he had planned.