The Foresthood School

“The Foresthood school is not very cool” - Dolly the Deer

The foresthood school has four classes.

Rachel the Rabbit teaches ages 7-9

Fiona the Fox.

Fiona the Fox is 9 years old. Fiona loves school, and loves having Rachel the Rabbit as a teacher. Fiona tries hard, always does all of her homework first thing when she gets home, and raises her hand in class often. Fiona wonders if she might like to be a school teacher when she grows up.

Penny the Porcupine.

Penny the Porcupine is 8 years old. She thinks school is alright, but would change a lot about it if she could. For instance, Penny would love if they could have more field trips. For instance, she's heard a lot about a mine not far away where they found some really pretty rainbow colored rocks. Why couldn't they take a trip to learn about the local mining industry?

Dolly the Deer.

Dolly the Deer is 7 years old. Dolly thinks school is not very cool. Mostly because the main rule of school is that you have to stay with the class and you're not allowed to run away when you get frightened. Dolly gets frightened all the time, and always wants to run away. She isn't afraid of Rachel or her classmates. But she doesn't understand why they don't want to run away all the time too.

Willy the Warthog teaches ages 4-6

Emo the Ostrich.

Emo the Ostrich is 5 years old. Emo has an exceptional vocabulary. She learned most of the words she knows from an app called "Billy the Bee's Big Words". Willy the Warthog does not have a particularly good vocabulary, and doesn't understand most of the things that Emo says. Emo likes school, even though her teacher doesn't understand her. That's not so strange for Emo, she's used to not being understood by most animals.

Titi the Turtle.

Titi the Turtle is 4 years old. This is her first year at the foresthood school. She misses her mom most of the time. She's good friends with Emo, and as a result has picked up some of Emo's big words, but Titi doesn't use those words very much. In fact, Titi doesn't talk much at all. Titi is the fastest runner in the foresthood school. She recently represented Port Jervis in the olympics in track and field, winning gold in the women's 100 meters and 1,500 meters, and silver in the women's 100 meter hurdles.

Clem the Chameleon

Clem is 6 years old. He is bored of Willy the Warthog, and he's excited that next year he'll be 7 years old and able to attend Rachel the Rabbit's class. In the meantime Clem is well behaved in class. However, when he gets bored he blends in with the background and Willy can't see him very well, and often lists Clem as absent when he's sitting right there!

Huck the Hyena teaches ages 10-12

Henry the Hippo

Henry the Hippo is 11 years old. Henry's favorite thing about foresthood school is lunchtime. He brings his lunch to school in a wheelbarrow, piled 3 feet high. And that's not nearly all that Henry eats during the day! Henry would change a lot about the foresthood school if he could. The first thing is that lunch period should be three times as long. The other major improvement that Henry would make would be to create a class for ages 13-15. With the lunch period getting longer the older that you got, of course! That's only reasonable.

Elli the Elephant

Elli the Elephant is 10 years old. Everyone expects Elli to be really good at school, because elephants famously have a great memory. But that's not true for Elli! She has a terrible memory and, as a result, is often forgetting her lunch. But she's usually able to get a bite to eat by stealing some of the grass from Henry's wheelbarrow.

Gigi the Giraffe

Gigi the Giraffe is 12 years old. Gigi is the shortest in the whole school, despite being the oldest and a giraffe! She is almost the size of Titi the Turtle, who is the youngest in the school and a turtle! This makes Gigi self-conscious and grumpy. Gigi would change a lot about the foresthood schools if she could. Including, Henry the Hippo’s idea to create a class for animals 13-15 years old.

Lee the Lizard teaches art class

Mr. Lee teaches art to all of the classes in the foresthood school. Nobody really thinks much about Lee when they are not in his class. He has a way of blending in and staying out of others’ way. The only one who does think about Lee more often is Emo the Ostrich. Emo has a lot of really big words to use to describe Lee’s abilities as an artist.

Ralph the Reindeer is the principal

Ralph the Reindeer is the principal of the Foresthood school. Ralph has been the principal for a long time, and his father Rogno was the principal before him. So being the principal sort of runs in his family. His favorite thing about the foresthood school he gets to know all of the families in the forest community.