A new exchange student

Who's the biggest animal in the forest?

Act 1

A new student is coming to the foresthood school!

The student is coming all the way from Antarctica, as a foreign exchange student. They'll be coming to Rachel the Rabbit's class, and staying from fall to spring.

All of the forest animals are very excited. They don't know much about Antarctica, other than that it's cold. They don't know anything the student, not even what kind of animal he is. All that Rachel told them was that it's the biggest land animal in Antarctica. So they figured he must be huge!

The only animal in the school who isn't very excited to meet the new foreign exchange student is Polly the Polar Bear. Polly likes being the biggest animal from far far away. It makes him feel special. But now there's going to be a new animal in the forest, also from far far away, and also big like Polly? And to make it worse, he's coming during Polly's favorite time of year? This cannot stand!

Act 2

Rachel has the animals planning for the new student's arrival. They dig out a huge new burrow in the amphitheater for the new student to use in the classroom. They do other things to prepare for having a really big new student in the class.

Polly doesn't participate.

The day of the new student's arrival finally comes. Everyone is waiving flags to welcome the biggest land animal in Antarctica.

The flags say 'Welcome big land animal of Antarctica!!'

Polly doesn't waive any flags.

Rachel stands in front of the class, with her hand opened.

'Gather around everyone, please meet our new student. This is Wiwi the Wingless Midge!"

"Where?" says Dolly the Deer.

"Right here, in my hand. Antartica doesn't have very many land animals at all, so the Wingless Midge, is the largest one!"

'Woooow", says all the forest animals in unison. "Wiwi is so big!"

Wiwi is used to being big. Back at home in Antartica, he's used to being the biggest land animal around.

'Pleased to meet you everyone', squeaks Wiwi in response.

'Did he just say something?', asked Dolly.

I think I heard him say, 'Pleased to meet you", said Rachel.

'Wooow', says all of the forest animals. 'Did you hear that roar? Just what we'd expect from the biggest land animal in Antartica. Make way for Wiwi!

Polly is confused. This tiny little thing squeaking in Rachel's hand is not big, and not loud. It's actually quiet tiny, smaller than a grain of rice. And the sounds it makes are barely as loud as the sound of a bending blade of grass.

Act 3

This goes on for some time. All of the forest animals make way for Wiwi, cover their ears when Wiwi squeaks, and talk non stop about how HUGE and LOUD Wiwi is. They are proud to have such a big creature from far, far away in their classroom.

Everyone other than Polly, that is. Polly grows more and more angry every day.

Wiwi is walking through the lunch area. 'Watch out for Wiwi, Polly!,' says Elli the Elephant, very annoyed. 'You've got to give him room, Polly. He needs space. Wiwi is the largest land animal in Antarctica, don't you know that?'

Wiwi sneezes. 'Oh my gosh, my ears!', cries Fiona.

'My ears feel fine', says Polly.

'I'm sorry, did you say something Polly,' asks Fiona. 'I can't hear anything, my ears are ringing every time that Wiwi talks. Because he's so loud.'

'Ugh', says Polly.

Act 4

Polly has had enough. He can't live like this. He decides to make things right, once and for all. He'll hold a public debate, between himself and Wiwi. He will prove through reasoning and persuasion, that Wiwi is in fact very tiny and very quiet. If he can only get the forest animals to listen, they will have to see the truth that is staring them in the face.

Wiwi, who only wants to get along, agrees to participate in the debate.

Polly spends weeks planning. He decides that Wally the Wolf should moderate. Wally is more than happy to do so.

On the evening of the debate, Polly feels prepared. He has copious notes, and has spent many an evening practicing making his points in front of the lake.

The forest animals are respectful. The sit patiently and attentively, and listen to everything that Polly has to say.

Then it's Wiwi's turn.

'I think we should have a gotten a bigger podium', whispers Fiona to Dolly.

'Wiwi, Wiwi, Wiwi', yells Emo.

As Wiwi begins to squeak, all of the forest animals whince, and cover their ears. Its hard to sit still and listen when you are being screamed at by the largest land animal in Antartica!

The forest animals are swayed by Wiwi. Any animal with that much size and volume must be telling the truth, they think to themselves.

Wally then distributes the ballots.

Everyone writes the same thing: 'Wiwi is bigger and louder than Polly'

Act 5

It's too much for Polly. He can't stand this anymore. In a fit of rage he roars, destroys the podium, gnashes his teeth, and charges away from the amphitheater towards the lakehouse.

Wally watches him go.

As Polly approaches the lakehouse he heads straight towards the chicken coop. He crushes the coop with his immense strength, and his path is littered with feathers, chickens, blood and guts.

Wally, Frido, and Felix are close behind. Before Mr. Finnigan can see what has happened, they pick up a couple chickens for their dinners and dash home.

Act 6

Polly moved back to the North Pole soon afterwards.

When spring arrived the next year, Wiwi went back to Antarctica. Everyone was sad to see him go.

Not many were sad to see Polly go.