Wally the Wolf eats the chickens

Wally the Wolf does what he does best. Eat Charlies and not get caught.

Once upon a time there was a wolf named Wally. Everyone likes Wally, but he is not perfect. He likes to eat the Finnigans's chickens. Wally tries to pretend that it isn't him, and blames it on the his nemisis, Frido the Fox. One day the Finnigans discover that their chickens have been eaten, and they blame Wally. They call the cops.


The cops tell Wally, 'we'll give you one more chance, becuase we're bros'. Wally decides that he will make sure the Finnigans cannot prove that he ate the chickens, and will ensure that Frido gets in trouble for it instead.

Bear Swimming

Wally tells the Finnigans that there is a bear swimming in the lake. But it turns out, there really is! Bennie the bear is swimming in the lake. The Finnigans head to the lake to check out this amazing sight. While they are gone, Wally eats the chickens. The Finnigans come back from the lake, and see that their chickens are gone. Wally tells the Finnigans that Frito the Fox did it. And the Finnnigans actually believe him a little bit, because Wally is a charming and persuasive guy.